Features of the Program

Bible Study and Church attendance: Romans 12:1-2 reads “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Bible studies and regular attendance at church services are paramount to this renewal process.

BONDING: Participants will remain in a bonding period of 30 days upon entering the program. This period of 30 days will help the participant acclimate him or herself to the program. Bonding also creates closer daily contact between staff/participant in order to begin developing a relationship. Participants will have no access to cell phones, visits, or electronics. House phone usage will be limited.

CHURCH: The Embassy provides participants the opportunity to attend church, and attendance is mandatory. The first 30 days participants attend church as a group. After 30 days participants can attend a church of their choice with a mentor. The process will be explained to participants upon entering the program and is at the discretion of the Ministry Manager.

BIBLE STUDY: The Embassy offers in-house bible studies taught by staff and/or volunteers at various times during the week as scheduled and attendance is mandatory. Approved, off-site bible studies in the church community are also encouraged.

SECULAR TRAINING: Secular classes and topics such as Life Skills, Budgeting, on the job training, etc., are also available and participation is encouraged.

MENTORS: Participants will have the opportunity to acquire mentors who can help guide them and disciple them in their walk with Christ and their recovery.

TRANSITION PLAN: In order to make the transition from the discipleship home to the next season of life, a number of issues must be considered, and arrangements need to be made. Including but not limited to, determining what church to attend in order to find appropriate pastoral guidance and secure Godly fellowship, seeking employment, getting a driver’s license and seeking housing. Embassy staff and mentors will assist the participants whenever possible in making all necessary contacts.

GRADUATION: Upon completion of all requirements, and having successfully maintained evaluations above expectations, participants will graduate from the Embassy Discipleship Homes.

AFTER CARE PROGRAM: The After-Care Program is a voluntary service provided for our graduates. Upon graduation, discipleship will be available for follow-up and accountability to ensure greater success for our participants.