Admission Criteria

A potential participant must be the following:

  • At least 18 years of age, single, widowed, married, engaged, or divorced, and without children under their direct care.

  • A United States Citizen able to read, write, and speak English.

  • Display a willingness to follow the Christian faith.

  • Willing to adhere to the ministry values, vision, and guidelines of The Embassy.

  • Disclose ALL charges and include explanations.

  • Drug and alcohol-free for 30 days before being admitted to the ministry and agree to submit to random drug tests.

  • Must consent to release of medical records, prison files, and case management records.

A successful participant desires to be a disciple:

  • Discipleship is a process of submitting to teachings and instructions that will help you expand on the teaching and instructions you chose worthy to submit to. Submission to others empowers you to learn from their successes and then expand what you learn from it into your own life and sphere of influence. A successful participant is willing to submit to authority while inspiring others in his/her sphere of influence to do the same because they recognize the results of it.

  • A disciple is a servant, has discipline, displays love, knows reality, shows empathy, takes initiative, is generous, humble and full of hope.

  • Discipleship is standard with The Embassy. Understanding its purpose and the results it produces will provide you a successful start to transitioning into a new and exciting lifestyle in Christ.